ISO-KF dimension |
ISO-KF Wingnut clamp
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 304 #KSA
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 25 A=16 B=52 C=72 304 #KSB
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 40 A=16 B=68 C=90 304 #KSC
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 50 A=20 B=91 C=113 304 #KSD
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 10/16 A=16 B=42 C=63 Alu #KSE
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 25 A=16 B=52 C=72 Alu #KSF
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 40 A=16 B=68 C=90 Alu #KSG
KF-Wingnut clamp DN 50 A=20 B=91 C=113 Alu #KSH
KF-Safety wingnut clamp DN40 Alu #KSP
KF-Safety wingnut clamp DN50 Alu #KSQ
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN10/16 Alu/Plastics #KSV
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN25 Alu/Plastics #KSW
KF-Quick-Release-Clamp DN40 Alu/Plastics #KSX
ISO-KF Single clamp
KF-Single clamp DN10-50 A=20 B=20 C=15 D=11.5 E=15 Alu/304 #KPA
KF-Single clamp DN10-50 A=24 B=20 C=14 D=12 E=14 Alu/304 #KPB
KF-Chain clamp DN25 304 #KSS
KF-Chain clamp DN40 304 #KST
KF-Chain clamp DN50 304 #KSU
ISO-KF Centering ring
KF-Centering ring DN10 304/Viton #KZA
KF-Centering ring DN16 304/Viton #KZB
KF-Centering ring DN20 304/Viton #KZC
KF-Centering ring DN25 304/Viton #KZD
KF-Centering ring DN32 304/Viton #KZE
KF-Centering ring DN40 304/Viton #KZF
KF-Centering ring DN50 304/Viton #KZG
KF-Centering ring DN10 Alu/Viton #KZH
KF-Centering ring DN16 Alu/Viton #KZJ
KF-Centering ring DN20 Alu/Viton #KZK
KF-Centering ring DN25 Alu/Viton #KZL
KF-Centering ring DN32 Alu/Viton #KZM
KF-Centering ring DN40 Alu/Viton #KZN
KF-Centering ring DN50 Alu/Viton #KZP
KF-Centering ring DN10 316L/Viton #K1A
KF-Centering ring DN16 316L/Viton #K1B
KF-Centering ring DN25 316L/Viton #K1C
KF-Centering ring DN40 316L/Viton #K1D
KF-Centering ring DN50 316L/Viton #K1E
ISO-KF Reducer centering ring
KF-Reducer centering ring DN10/16 Alu/Viton #KXF
KF-Reducer centering ring DN20/25 Alu/Viton #KXG
KF-Reducer centering ring DN40/32 Alu/Viton #KXH
ISO-KF Outer centering ring
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN16 304/ - /304 #KCA
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN25 304/ - /304 #KCB
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN40 304/ - /304 #KCC
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring without O-ring DN50 304/ - /304 #KCD
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN16 304/Viton/Alu #KCE
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 304/Viton/Alu #KCF
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 304/Viton/Alu #KCG
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 304/Viton/Alu #KCH
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN16 316L/Viton/Alu #KC4
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 316L/Viton/Alu #KC5
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 316L/Viton/Alu #KC6
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 316L/Viton/Alu #KC7
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN25 304/Viton/304 #KC!
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN40 304/Viton/304 #KC?
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-ring DN50 304/Viton/304 #KC$
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN25 316L/Viton/316L #KC)
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN40 316L/Viton/316L #KDA
KF-Outer centering ring with O-ring and inner ring DN50 316L/Viton/316L #KDB
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN25 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC8
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN40 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC9
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring DN50 316L/Chemraz SFX/316L #KC+
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring andO-Ring DN25 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCT
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-Ring DN40 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCW
KF-Outer centering ring with inner ring and O-Ring DN50 304/FKM / FEP ummantelt/Alu #KCZ
KF-Outer centering ring DN16 Viton/Alu #KCJ
KF-Outer centering ring DN25 Viton/Alu #KCK
KF-Outer centering ring DN40 Viton/Alu #KCL
KF-Outer centering ring DN50 Viton/Alu #KCM
KF-Outer centering ring DN16 Viton/304 #KCN
KF-Outer centering ring DN25 Viton/304 #KCP
KF-Outer centering ring DN40 Viton/304 #KCQ
KF-Outer centering ring DN50 Viton/304 #KCR
ISO-KF Flexible metal hose
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=250 304 #KWA
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=500 304 #KWB
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=750 304 #KWC
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1000 304 #KWD
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1500 304 #KW1
KF-Flexible metal hose DN16 L=2000 304 #KW2
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=250 304 #KWE
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=500 304 #KWF
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=750 304 #KWG
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1000 304 #KWH
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1500 304 #KW3
KF-Flexible metal hose DN25 L=2000 304 #KW4
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=250 304 #KWJ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=500 304 #KWK
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=750 304 #KWL
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1000 304 #KWM
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1500 304 #KWZ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN40 L=2000 304 #KWN
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=200 304 #KW+
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=250 304 #KWP
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=500 304 #KWQ
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=750 304 #KWR
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1000 304 #KWS
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1500 304 #KW5
KF-Flexible metal hose DN50 L=2000 304 #KW6
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYR
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYM
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYH
KF Flexible metal hose DN16 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYD
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYQ
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYL
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYG
KF Flexible metal hose DN25 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYC
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYP
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KW8
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYF
KF Flexible metal hose DN40 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYB
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=250 hose 316L flange 316L #KYN
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=500 hose 316L flange 316L #KYJ
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=750 hose 316L flange 316L #KYE
KF Flexible metal hose DN50 L=1000 hose 316L flange 316L #KYA
ISO-KF Formed bellows
KF-Formed bellows DN10 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFA
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFB
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFC
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=100 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFW
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFD
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFF
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFG
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KF4
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFH
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFJ
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=60 bellows 316L flange 304 #KF5
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=100 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFK
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=120 bellows 316L flange 304 #KFL
KF-Formed bellows DN16 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFY
KF-Formed bellows DN25 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KFZ
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF1
KF-Formed bellows DN40 L=150 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF8
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=120 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF2
KF-Formed bellows DN50 L=150 bellows 316L flange 316L #KF7
ISO-KF Braided hose
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=120 304 #KWV
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=120 304 #KWW
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=120 304 #KWX
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=250 304 #KWY
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=250 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXJ
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXK
KF-Braided hose DN25 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXL
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=250 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXM
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXN
KF-Braided hose DN40 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXP
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=500 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXQ
KF-Braided hose DN50 L=1000 hose and flange 316L metal braid 304 #KXR
Braided hose DN40 both ends with tube 44.5x2 L=25 304 L=160 #KW$
Braided hose DN50 both ends with tube 54x2 L=25 304 L=160 #KW?
ISO-KF Welded bellows
KF-Welded bellows Ø25/Ø45/316L Axial 50mm 10.000 cycles at Pint=Vac. Pext=Atm. flange 304 Ltotal=54-104mm #KM2
ISO-KF Blank flange
KF-Blank flange DN10 304 #KBA
KF-Blank flange DN16 304 #KBB
KF-Blank flange DN20 304 #KBF
KF-Blank flange DN25 304 #KBC
KF-Blank flange DN32 304 #KBG
KF-Blank flange DN40 304 #KBD
KF-Blank flange DN50 304 #KBE
KF-Blank flange DN63 304 #KBH
KF-Blank flange DN10 316L #K1F
KF-Blank flange DN16 316L #K1G
KF-Blank flange DN25 316L #K1H
KF-Blank flange DN40 316L #K1J
KF-Blank flange DN50 316L #K1K
ISO-KF Weld flange
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 20x2 304 #KAA
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 19x1.65 304 #KAB
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 28x2 304 #KAC
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 25.4x1.65 304 #KAD
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 44.5x2 304 #KAE
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 38x1.5 304 #KAF
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 57x3.2 304 #KAG
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 54x2 304 #KAH
KF-Weld flange DN16 for tube 18x1 316L #KAR
KF-Weld flange DN25 for tube 28x2 316L #KAJ
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 44.5x2 316L #KAK
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 42.4x2 316L #KAT
KF-Weld flange DN40 for tube 38.1x1.5 316L #KAV
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 57x3.2 316L #KAL
KF-Weld flange DN50 for tube 54x2 316L #KAS
ISO-KF Flange tubulated
KF-Half nipple DN10 L=26 with tube 14x2 304 #KHA
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=26 with tube 20x2 304 #KHC
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 304 #KHM
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=26 with tube 28x2 304 #KHE
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=26 with tube 28x1.5 304 #KHQ
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=40 with tube 25.4x1.65 304 #KHU
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 304 #KHV
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=52 with tube 28x2 304 #KHW
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=40 with tube 38x1.5 304 #KH1
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 42.4x2 304 #KH2
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KHG
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH3
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=58 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH7
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=70 with tube 44.5x2 304 #KH8
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=40 with tube 50.8x1.65 304 #KJA
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=26 with tube 54x2 304 #KHJ
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 54x2 304 #KJJ
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=30 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJD
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJE
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=70 with tube 57x3.2 304 #KJF
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=26 with tube 18x1 316L #KAQ
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 316L #K1M
KF-Half nipple DN16 L=30 with tube 20x2 316L #K2R
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 25.4x1.65 316L #K2U
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 316L #K1L
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 28x2 316L #K2Q
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=52 with tube 28x2 316L #K2S
KF-Half nipple DN25 L=30 with tube 25.4x1.65 316L #K1!
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=26 with tube 54x2 316L #K1N
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=26 with tube 42.4x2 316L #K1)
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 41.2x1.5 316L #K1P
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=30 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1+
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=58 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1?
KF-Half nipple DN40 L=70 with tube 44.5x2 316L #K1$
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=30 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1%
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=58 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1&
KF-Half nipple DN50 L=70 with tube 57x3.2 316L #K1/
ISO-KF Full Nipple
KF-Full Nipple DN10 L=60 304 #KNA
KF-Full Nipple DN16 L=80 304 #KNB
KF-Full Nipple DN25 L=100 304 #KNC
KF-Full Nipple DN40 L=130 304 #KND
KF-Full Nipple DN50 L=140 304 #KNE
ISO-KF Radius elbow 90°
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN10 L=30 304 #KEA
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN16 L=40 304 #KEB
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=50 304 #KEC
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=55 304 #KEL
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN40 L=65 304 #KED
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN50 L=70 304 #KEE
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN10 L=30 316L #KEM
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN16 L=40 316L #K1Q
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN25 L=50 316L #K1R
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN40 L=65 316L #K1S
KF-Radius elbow 90° DN50 L=70 316L #K1T
ISO-KF Radius elbow 45°
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN10 L=30 304 #KEF
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN16 L=25 304 #KEG
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN25 L=32 304 #KEH
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN40 L=40 304 #KEJ
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN50 L=51 304 #KEK
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN16 L=26 316L #K1U
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN25 L=32 316L #K1V
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN40 L=40 316L #K1W
KF-Radius elbow 45° DN50 L=51 316L #K1X
KF-Tee DN10 L=60 304 #KTA
KF-Tee DN16 L=80 304 #KTB
KF-Tee DN25 L=100 304 #KTC
KF-Tee DN25 L=104 304 #KTF
KF-Tee DN40 L=130 304 #KTD
KF-Tee DN50 L=140 304 #KTE
KF-Tee DN10 L=60 316L #K1Y
KF-Tee DN16 L=80 316L #K1Z
KF-Tee DN25 L=100 316L #K11
KF-Tee DN40 L=130 316L #K12
KF-Tee DN50 L=140 316L #K13
ISO-KF Reducer Tee
KF-Reducer Tee DN25/16 L=100 R=40 304 #KTL
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/16 L=130 R=40 304 #KTM
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/25 L=130 R=50 304 #KTN
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/16 L=140 R=50 304 #KTP
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/25 L=140 R=65 304 #KTQ
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/40 L=140 R=65 304 #KTR
KF-Reducer Tee DN25/16 L=100 R=40 316L #K14
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/10 L=130 R=40 316L #K2L
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/16 L=130 R=40 316L #K15
KF-Reducer Tee DN40/25 L=130 R=50 316L #K16
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/10 L=140 R=50 316L #K2M
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/16 L=140 R=50 316L #K17
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/25 L=140 R=65 316L #K18
KF-Reducer Tee DN50/40 L=140 R=65 316L #K19
ISO-KF 4way-Cross
KF-4way-Cross DN10 L=60 304 #KKA
KF-4way-Cross DN16 L=80 304 #KKB
KF-4way-Cross DN25 L=100 304 #KKC
KF-4way-Cross DN40 L=130 304 #KKD
KF-4way-Cross DN50 L=140 304 #KKE
KF-4way-Cross DN16 L=80 316L #K2A
KF-4way-Cross DN25 L=100 316L #K2B
KF-4way-Cross DN40 L=130 316L #K2C
KF-4way-Cross DN50 L=140 316L #K2D
KF-6way-cross DN16 L=130 304 #KKM
KF-6way-cross DN25 L=130 304 #KKN
KF-6way-cross DN40 L=130 304 #KKP
KF-6way-cross DN50 L=130 304 #KKQ
ISO-KF Reducer-Cross
KF-Reducer-Cross DN25/16 L=100 R=40 304 #KKF
KF-Reducer-Cross DN40/16 L=130 R=40 304 #KKG
KF-Reducer-Cross DN40/25 L=130 R=50 304 #KKH
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/16 L=140 R=40 304 #KKI
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/25 L=140 R=50 304 #KKJ
KF-Reducer-Cross DN50/40 L=140 R=65 304 #KKK
ISO-KF Cylindrical Reducer
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN10 L=28 304 #KRG
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN10 L=40 304 #KRH
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=28 304 #KRJ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=40 304 #KRK
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN10 L=28 304 #KRL
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN10 L=40 304 #KRM
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 304 #KRN
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=40 304 #KRP
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=28 304 #KRQ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=40 304 #KRR
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN16 L=28 304 #KRS
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN16 L=40 304 #KRT
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=28 304 #KRU
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=40 304 #KRV
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=28 304 #KRW
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=40 304 #KRX
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN25/DN16 L=28 316L #KRY
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 316L #KRZ
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN25 L=28 316L #KR1
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN25 L=28 316L #KR2
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN50/DN40 L=28 316L #KR3
KF-Cylindrical Reducer DN40/DN16 L=28 Alu #KAP
ISO-KF Conical Reducer
KF-Conical Reducer DN25/16 L=40 304 #KRA
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 304 #KRB
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 304 #KRC
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/16 L=40 304 #KRD
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/25 L=40 304 #KRE
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/40 L=40 304 #KRF
KF-Conical Reducer DN25/16 L=40 316L #K2E
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 316L #K2F
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 316L #K2G
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/16 L=40 316L #K2H
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/25 L=40 316L #K2J
KF-Conical Reducer DN50/40 L=40 316L #K2K
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/16 L=40 Alu #KAM
KF-Conical Reducer DN40/25 L=40 Alu #KAN
ISO-KF Swagelok Adapter
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=40 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAB
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=41 Tube outerØ 8 304 #ZAC
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=38 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAF
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=39 Tube outerØ 8 304 #ZAG
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=41 Tube outerØ 10 304 #ZAH
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=43 Tube outerØ 12 304 #ZAJ
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN40 L=37 Tube outerØ 6 304 #ZAM
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=40 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZAZ
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN16 L=53 Tube outerØ 1/2" 304 #ZA2
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=38 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZA4
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN25 L=53 Tube outerØ 1/2" 304 #ZA6
KF-Swagelok Adapter DN40 L=38 Tube outerØ 1/4" 304 #ZBA
ISO-KF Adapter
KF-Screwed Adapter DN16 / G1/4" 304 #ZEG
KF-Screwed Adapter DN40 / R1 1/4" thread seal 304 #ZEH
ISO-K Dimension |
ISO-K Double clamp
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JSA
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 steel zinc plated wrench size 19mm #JSB
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 steel zinc plated #JSC
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 304 wrench size 17mm #JSD
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 304 wrench size 19mm #JSE
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 304 #JSF
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-250 M10 Q=17-27 R=61.5 316L wrench size 17mm #JSG
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=27-33 R=77 316L wrench size 19mm #JSH
ISO-K-Double clamp DN630 M12 Q=36-44 R=86 316L #JSJ
ISO-K-Double clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=24-27 R=50 Alu wrench size 13mm #JSK
ISO-K-Double clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=27-32 R=52 Alu wrench size 17mm #JSL
ISO-K-Double clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=32-38 R=65 Alu wrench size 19mm #JSM
ISO-K Single clamp
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=35 R=23 S=14 steel zinc plated wrench size 13mm #JPA
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JPB
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 steel zinc plated wrench size 19mm #JPC
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 steel zinc plated #JPD
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=35 R=23 S=14 304 wrench size 13mm #JPE
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 304 wrench size 17mm #JPF
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 304 wrench size 19mm #JPG
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 304 #JPH
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 Alu /A2 wrench size 13mm #JPJ
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=23 S=14 Alu /A2 wrench size 17mm #JPK
ISO-K-Single clamp DN320-500 M12 Q=50 R=30 S=21 Alu /A2 wrench size 19mm #JPL
ISO-K-Single clamp DN630 M12 Q=60 R=41.5 S=26 Alu /A2 #JPM
ISO-K-Single clamp DN63-100 M8 Q=30 R=19 S=10 steel zinc plated wrench size 13mm #JPN
ISO-K-Single clamp DN160-250 M10 Q=35 R=19 S=10 steel zinc plated wrench size 17mm #JPP
ISO-K Flexible metal hose
ISO-K-Flexible metal hose DN63 L=250 304 #JWA
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 304 #JWB
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 hose ID=59 304 #JWU
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=750 304 #JWC
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=1000 304 #JWD
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=250 304 #JWE
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=500 304 #JWF
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=750 304 #JWG
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN80 L=1000 304 #JWH
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=250 304 #JWJ
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=500 304 #JWK
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=750 304 #JWL
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=1000 304 #JWM
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=250 304 #JWN
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=500 304 #JWP
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=750 304 #JWQ
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN160 L=1000 304 #JWR
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN63 L=500 316L #JWS
ISO-K-Flexbile metal hose DN100 L=500 316L #JWT
ISO-K Formed bellows
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFA
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=140 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFN
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFB
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JF L=
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFC
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFD
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=130 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFE
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFF
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=150 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFG
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFH
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFZ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFJ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=200 bellows 316L flange 304 #JF1
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFK
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN320 L=220 bellows 316L flange 304 #JFL
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=120 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF8
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN63 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFP
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN80 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFQ
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=180 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF6
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=120 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF7
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN100 L=130 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFM
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=150 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFR
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN160 L=250 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF5
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=200 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JF4
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN200 L=220 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFS
ISO-K-Formed bellows DN250 L=200 bellows 316L flanges 316L #JFV
ISO-K Centering ring
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZA
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZB
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZC
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZD
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZE
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton #JZF
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZG
ISO-K-Centering ring DN400 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZH
ISO-K-Centering ring DN500 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton #JZJ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZK
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZL
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZM
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZN
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZP
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton #JZQ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZR
ISO-K-Centering ring DN400 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZS
ISO-K-Centering ring DN500 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton #JZT
ISO-K-Centering ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZU
ISO-K-Centering ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZV
ISO-K-Centering ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZW
ISO-K-Centering ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZX
ISO-K-Centering ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZY
ISO-K-Centering ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton #JZZ
ISO-K-Centering ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 316L/Viton #JZ1
ISO-K Centering ring with outer ring
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCA
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCB
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCC
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCD
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCE
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton/Alu #JCF
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 304/Viton/Alu #JCG
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCJ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCK
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCL
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCM
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCN
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCP
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN320 B=14 L=5.6 Alu/Viton/Alu #JCQ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN63 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCV
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN80 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCX
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCY
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN160 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JCZ
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN200 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JC1
ISO-K-Centering ring with outer ring DN250 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu #JC2
ISO-K-Adapter centerring ring DN100 with outer ring B=8 L=3.9 d=108/102 316L/Viton (black)/ Alu acc. to drawing #JC7
ISO-K-Centerring ring with outer ring DN100 B=8 L=3.9 316L/Viton/Alu centerring d=108 #JC8
ISO-K-Centerring Ring with Wiremesh DN100 B=8 L=3.9 304/Viton Mesh Size 2.5x2.5mm #JC%
ISO-K Blank flange
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 304 #JBA
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 304 #JBB
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 304 #JBC
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 304 #JBD
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 304 #JBE
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 304 #JBF
ISO-K-Blank flange DN320 304 #JBG
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 316L #JBL
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 316L #JBM
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 316L #JBN
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 316L #JBP
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 316L #JBQ
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 316L #JBR
ISO-K-Blank flange DN320 316L #JBS
ISO-K-Blank flange DN63 Alu #JBW
ISO-K-Blank flange DN80 Alu #JBX
ISO-K-Blank flange DN100 Alu #JBY
ISO-K-Blank flange DN160 Alu #JBZ
ISO-K-Blank flange DN200 Alu #JB1
ISO-K-Blank flange DN250 Alu #JB2
ISO-K Weld flange
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=6 L=6 for tube 76.1x3 304 #JAA
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=8 for tube 76.1x3 304 with welding lip #JAP
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=6 for tube 88.9x3 304 #JAB
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=6 for tube 88.9x3 304 drwg #JAK
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 304 #JAC
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=6 for tube 108x3 304 drwg #JAL
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 108x3 304 with welding lip #JAQ
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=6 for tube 159x3 304 #JAD
ISO-K-Weld flange DN160 L=8 for tube 159x3 304 with welding lip #JAR
ISO-K-Weld flange DN200 L=6 for tube 219x3 304 #JAE
ISO-K-Weld flange DN250 L=6 for tube 267x3 304 #JAF
ISO-K-Weld flange DN250 L=6 for tube 273x3 304 #JA6
ISO-K-Weld flange DN320 L=8 for tube 324x3 304 #JAG
ISO-K-Weld flange DN400 L=8 for tube 406x3 304 #JAH
ISO-K-Weld flange DN500 L=8 for tube 508x4 304 #JAS
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=8 for tube 76.1x3 316L with welding lip #JAM
ISO-K-Weld flange DN63 L=6 for tube 76.1x3 316L #JA!
ISO-K-Weld flange DN80 L=8 for tube 89x3 316L with welding lip #JAU
ISO-K-Weld flange DN100 L=8 for tube 101.6x2.1 316L with welding lip #JAW
ISO-CF Dimensions
Angle Valve
UHV-Wobble Stick
ISO-KF dimension
ISO-KF dimension